Saturday, January 30, 2010


It's the weekend which means that Derek and I will have a chance to sit down and catch up on some of the shows we've recorded during the week. How I love the DVR. At first I wasn't sure it would be worth the extra cost but I have decided it is SO worth it because I rarely even use the regular TV function anymore. I just sit down and watch something I know i'd like to watch rather than:

settling in to give Cooper a bottle - searching for something to watch - getting sucked in to an infomercial - realize I'm sucked in - go back to searching for something to watch - find something that may be interested but realize its on commercials forever - try to find something else because I am not interested in auto insurance - then hear Cooper suck his bottle dry and get up to do something else.

Which brings me to today's discussion topic:

The difference between the DVR and my child.

DVR Features vs. Cooper's "Features"

Record button / No Record Button

automatically records anything you find amusing, cute, etc

STOPS doing whatever you thought was cute as soon as your finger nears the
recorder's power button

Power Button /NO power button
you simply tell the machine when you want it to turn off and for how long

Resists going to sleep then once you finally succeed to turn him off he flips
right back on
Mute Button /NO Mute button
magically silences any noise for however long you'd like

magically gets louder once you thought he had reached his maximum volume

Recall Button
the machine actually remembers the channel you were just on

Cooper:Since pregnancy I can't remember why I'm in the kitchen or what I should do now that I'm there. Sometimes I don't even know how I got there.

Guide Button /NO Guide Button
COMES with instructions, is easy to know whats going on

Cooper:Once you figure out something that works it loses effectiveness within 48 hrs.

So Perhaps you're thinking there's got to be something that

Cooper has that your DVR doesn't

You'd be right

The Eject button

While nothing ever comes out of the DVR there is nothing that Huggies or Pampers can to do keep Cooper from this special feature.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A Blog about Nothing...
With a name like that, I bet you are already excited.
You should be.
I have decided to start a new blog and dedicate it to writing about well, nothing.
We're talking nothing as conceptualized by Seinfeld, which, by their own definition, is a show about nothing.
So why should you read?
Because we all can benefit from a daily dose of:
So if you like to smile, need to smile, or know that it would be good for you to smile even if you don't think you want or need it...
Stay Tuned